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New Story Map from CSI partners Trout Unlimited & WV Rivers: Pipeline Impacts on Water Quality

The Pipeline CSI is pleased to present a new story map created by the great people at CSI partner organizations WV Rivers Coalition and Trout Unlimited.

Click the image above or visit our Story Map page at to view it or our other informative maps! Read the in-depth report by TU here!

"This report provides a snapshot of the impacts construction is having on streams and rivers - impacts that threaten critical habitat for aquatic species and clean water supplies for citizens, farms, and industry. It is critical that we learn from the impacts observed over the past year, and chart a path forward that protects these valuable resources. "

"Over the past year, West Virginia and Virginia have witnessed the beginning of a major build-out of pipeline infrastructure. Large natural gas pipelines up to 42 inches in diameter are being constructed across hundreds of miles of rugged and highly erodible terrain, crossing hundreds of rivers and streams in the process. The risks to our waters from these billion-dollar construction projects are significant. Shorthanded state regulatory agencies struggle to monitor the hundreds of miles of construction, so nonprofit organizations - including Trout Unlimited (TU) and West Virginia Rivers - are working to fill the gap. To augment agency efforts, we are training volunteers to provide citizen oversight. The volunteer reports are vetted by organization staff, then passed on to relevant agency officials and tracked to ensure resolution.

In this first year of large-scale pipeline development in the central Appalachian states, citizens and agency staff have documented numerous pollution incidents on the Mountain Valley Pipeline, the Mountaineer Express, and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline."


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If the ACP project is allowed to proceed, the ABRA Pipeline CSI program will work to limit the inevitable environmental damage through a program designed to investigate and follow-up on reported incidents of both downstream surface water impact and noncompliance with construction requirements in areas of direct disturbance, including the pipeline corridor, access roads, and stream crossings.



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